The Board of Directors meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Meetings are held in the District’s facilities, located at 6550 Walden Rd. in Beaumont, Texas. Meetings are open to the public and in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings act. There are occasions when the Board of Directors meet in a closed executive session for consultation concerning attorney-client matters, real estate, economic development, litigation, contracts, personnel, or security matters. Meetings may be rescheduled or canceled due to holidays, special events, or lack of business items.
The meeting agenda is posted publicly at the Jefferson County and Chambers County courthouses, on the District’s website, and on the bulletin board outside the District’s office by the close of business the Friday before the meeting.
During the Public Comment period of the meeting, the public is given an opportunity to address the Board of Directors on agenda items or concerns not on the agenda. Those wishing to speak must complete a comment card, present the comment card to the District’s Executive Assistant prior to the beginning of the meeting, and observe a three-minute time limit. Members of the public who utilize a translator to address the Board shall be allowed six minutes to address the Board. Minutes of each meeting are approved by the Board of Directors at the following meeting and will be posted below.