Alert II – Early Flood Detection System –
As part of the Drainage District’s commitment to implement new tools to better predict flood risk, the newly updated Alert II – Early Flood Detection System offers precise real-time rainfall and water level data. Users are able to customize map views for watersheds and their tributaries in their particular areas of interest. In the near future, all stations will have thresholds based on water elevation in the ditch relative to the top of the bank and thresholds that correlate time series rainfall to historical data. When activated, these thresholds will show real-time color-coded warnings for that site and sensor on the map.
The Alert II system relies on a network of gage stations strategically placed throughout the District’s watersheds. This includes stations located inside Jefferson County and the surrounding areas. All stations contain sensors that transmit valuable data during times of heavy rainfall and during tropical storms and hurricanes. In addition, the stations have sensors to measure wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, and humidity. With this, the District is able to view the full scope of drainage throughout the 5 watersheds in our area.
The purpose of the Alert II- Early Flood Detection System’s website is to provide information collected from the stations and present it in a user-friendly format. This information is used internally and by numerous government agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as well as national and local meteorologists to keep the public informed of imminent and current flooding conditions in Jefferson County and the surrounding areas. Residents and businesses are encouraged to monitor water levels near their homes, places of work, and the areas along their daily commutes during storm events.